Thursday, 27 October 2016


In the last 22 days I had the honour and privilege of nominating 22 sets of people who have had an influence on my life; 21 brothers and 49 sisters. That makes it 70. 
So my challenge to the 70 is: keep the faith
And for you I will attempt to complete 70 press-ups in one video
Not at one go; these bones are no longer that young
Am almost on the threshold of half a century
But the spirit is willing
Let the Challenge begin ....

Wednesday, 26 October 2016


So I promised to do 2 sets of press up routines as part of my farewell in honour of my own sibling. It's now left to me to thank everyone who has participated in this challenge in whatever form. Special thanx to those who have taken up the challenge and kept the faith. Thanx to all the Chekete leaders and those who provided moral support. And here I must pause and pay respect to Sir Rex Harawa, PhD. You don't know how much you have invigorated these old bones. Bless you good doctor. Special mention to my son and companion Hlekwayo. It was he who insisted I start going to the gym with him. Great lad! NyaKamkwalala is not on Facebook. And she most likely thinks I am busy stuffing myself with junk food all this time oblivious that I have been punishing these old muscles! But don't tell her; it's our secret!
So this is my final bow! 
I doff my hat to you Dingiswayo Madise aka CJ
Yebo Dhlamini
BTW you should donate the famous the pipe and walking stick 
As part of the utensils to be used by Mnumzana GVH Mkakabanthu Madise
Khoza lilipo kale (royal bangle) - the one who wears is the Gogo)
Umkoto nawo ulipo (spear is there)
Na cihlangu (so is the shield)
Na nthonga (and the knobkerrie)
This is it! Mfundisi (cibongo Lombo) out! 
(Microphone drop)


I started the 22-day challenge, complements of Rex Harawa PhD, the ultimate bespoke-gentleman. This video was recorded yesterday but due to a technical hitch could not be loaded. But be assured your Mfundisi lived up to his word.
Today's final nomination continues in the tradition of bespoke gentlemen. It is my singular honour and privilege of nominating Justice Dingiswayo Madise aka CJ (cibongo Dhlamini). ow as most of you will know., I am not a Judge. He is the Judge. I am a mere mfundisi. Dingi is my young brother. We were both born in the same city, Blantyre. We grew up together in the divers places that our parents lived. We share too many stories such that despite the summary provided here; it is still a long post; the longest post of the series. I therefore apologise in advance. The only solace I can offer is it is my last.
I am told my father once worked in Quelimane and Botswana after finishing his secondary education. He was the only person selected in his year from Madise Primary School to a new national secondary school; all the way at Blantyre Secondary School. My father was born Phangazindabo. The Headmaster said he had the gait of a king and reminded him of his king of England, George.,That is how his certificate name became George. But his mother always called him by his true name: Phangandabo. If she wanted to tease him she would go "Joroji". I also understand he stayed and worked in Mzimba, Zomba, Chikangawa. I can only recall being in Blantyre and Lilongwe and back to Blantyre. Our being found in Blantyre was not because of his secondary education per se but his political activities. After finishing secondary he returned to Mzimba after having tried his luck in other territories. He never said it but I always suspected he was a patriot. He worked as a Clerk at M'mbelwa District Council. Our father was one of the young Turks arrested on 3 March 1959 in Mzimba for "spreading the independence message". He was detained and was earmarked for Khami Prison in Southern Rhodesia while Kamuzu was incecerated at Gweru. They travelled by ship from Nkhatabay to Chipoka and were thrown into the train to Blantyre from where they were to be flown to Khami. Luckily they found that the plane had already left and they were detained at Kanjedza. Upon his release a year later, he was banned from ever returning to his home district of Mzimba and was confined to Blantyre. But the Colonial Government gave him a job instead! He was posted to several places and his ban later rescinded as the country gained its independence. But even then he had to get authority from the government to travel outside his hometown of Blantyre! How ironic! But he never abandoned his Ngoni cornerstones! No Sir!
What I recall is us growing up in Lilongwe and Blantyre. Dingi and I grew and played together as if we were twins although I was slightly older; but just. Our best moments were as kids at Dharap. Now Dingi always liked to play and this at times would get him into all sorts of trouble. But I relied on my fists to ensure my brother was never intimated. When I heard someone was threatening him, I quickly rushed, blows first no questions asked thereafter. I may have moderated now, but don't push your luck. We were never intimated as children thatvI can safely say and grew up supporting each other. When most of the new buildings in Blantyre City were being constructed, Dingi and I and our friends were the town boys. We saw how Woods Transport carried sand from the Mudi River and build the town. We even would go and watch golf at Blantyre Sports Club. And we developed an early passion for drama and would go and watch English drama movies at the British Council, where Umoyo now stands. I recall that after watching Pride and Prejudice I was nicknamed "Mr Darcy". I had a well known temper, and was not very stingy with my fists! They called one of my sisters "Darcy Wa Mkazi" - and that tells you she was a force to reckon with. Well she still is. Bless her. When the old Conforzi building was being razed down to pave way for Chayamba, a hyena was heard howling. We were told to remain indoors in the evenings lest we be eaten. Did we listen? Never! Not when there was a free evening film at the School and Likuni Phala (they did not tell us they would give us chidindo cha BCG in return!) - I still nurse the scar on left upper arm! The long and short of it was we knew Blantyre inside out. We could walk to townships and the only thing we were scared off was the Orange Kombi by the owners of Hong Kong Restaurant. Whenever we saw the Kombi we scrammed in all directions, hiding in all available crevices! I remember us coasting one of their Chinese Waiters (who really walked like Jacke Chan) to teach us Kung-fu! The dude did not even know a basic kung-fu stance! Zoba! At that time our abode was in Kabula. Councillor Chinsima was the Mayor of Blantyre. He always dashing in his all white suit; riding in his white Kingswood limousine. Original big man. True bespoke gentleman.
Tinazendewela ma lorry a David Whitehead mkudumpha kunsupuka m'mabondo koma osakanena kunyumba! Timakaseseleka kuutuchi. We even would go and slide on the green algae on the river banks of Mudi (Nyakupha was the name Chanthenda and Chakufwa Chawinga gave it). Sunduzwayo Jere and Chiza Jere (aMakhosi) were always part of our gang. Kukwapulidwa ku sukulu sinali nkhani. Mdala amasina in between the things! Ukalakwa mayeso, umathyolerathu wekha chikwapu popita pa deni. Ma galimoto amawaya tamanga; nkuyendetsa full-driver! Police Band tinaguba; titavala used Chibuku packets (much to the chagrin of our parents when they saw us!). It was fun growing up. We had no TV, no cell phones and the phone could be locked with a padlock! Internet was a nonexistent word.
One year during 6 July Celebrations, Dingi and I, being our usually nose selves noticed that our father had brought home a strange looking wooden box into his bedroom. You bet what happened next! We as were opened it, of course at my instigating, we immediately realised it was the head of a lion complete with its intricately woven. skin. We had previously seen a similar stuffed head on display at Bombay Bazaar. Like I said, we knew Blantyre like the back of our palm. We decided to investigate the next day and found the lion was no,longer on display at Bombay Bazaar! We knew our father had a penchant for Bombay Bazaar shirts and suits and we were convinced it was the same animal! So imagine our surprise to read the newspapers after 6 July showing Ngoni true Chiefs from Mzimba robbing Kamuzu with a similar lion skin? We decided to investigate further and found that the box was now empty. And we then recalled hearing strange conversation (Ngoni -but a language we could not grasp then) very late at night (they thought we were asleep) by some strange looking tall dark fellows with strange looking outfits like they had come from the jungle with my father. And it then dawned on us. Our father had been the trusted emissary to procure the gift for the Ngwazi. But typical of him, he never even went to the stadium. He spent the day drinking his ucwala and eating manqina and listening to Tabu Ley! He did not even switch on to, or listen to the live broadcast! What a man! We never ever talked about it. But Dingi and I were left in no doubt that our father was not an ordinary man! My father also taught me a practical lesson "never allow anyone to insult your wife". One day some known 'undercover' special police chap shouted at my mother. Now this man was a giant and scary looking. My father heard it and in a flash had the giant on the floor. No questions asked. A few minutes later the man was bleeding profusely and apologising. He was promptly banned from our bottle store. Medium built but strong my father was. I suspected he grew up hunting with big game in his youth and this giant was nothing to scare him! And I knew he always kept his unkomto behind the shelves! You can take the Ngoni man out of Mzimba but his ungoni goes with him! Make no mistake. I saw it in my father. GPS. This is something NyaKamkwalala has problem understanding. I will protect her honour with my own blood! She always says "asiyeni"! Eish! Zovuzedi!
But I must pause here and make a frank admission. Although. Dingi and I were always together, we were very different. He was the good spirit, always optimistic, the peace maker. I was the celebrated trouble maker. In all our mischievous deeds, it was I who coaxed him (nay threatened him) to do as I sad. I recall my father one day threatened me with banishment to Mpemba Boys Home. He actually took me on a ride towards Mpemba and I became scared! That was the start of kuwongoka kwa mwana wosochela! Zikwapu tinali titazolowela. If truth be said; that is the only moment I recollect ever being truly scared. Threat of banishment! I even remember it was a rainy cold day! Eish!
We later moved to Chilomoni. We called it Babylon - well that is the name Kenneth Kwelepeta and his brother Ted Kwelepeta gave it. (Ted and Chiza were the who when we fought it ended in a draw! Ha ha ha !) The other name for Chilomoni was Saigon. This is where Dingi grew up into an inquisitive youngster. He loved going on the Christmas Bus Rides. For me the Train Rides had better sights; timashula ta saizi yathu nthawi imeneyo! That time Mulunguzi, at the outskirts of Nthukwa was just a few houses strong. The rest was bush and trees. But our dual passion for drama did not wane. Under the tutelage of our older cousin (he was at custom actually our son) Simon Mathambo Hara, he taught us the basic rudiments of acting for different stages and audiences.,Simon Hara is the one who taught me the "Dali Katete Wototomela" song. So we started acting while in primary school! That was the time when Kwathu and Tiwuke Performing Arts (later Wakhumbata) were just emerging. I recall we once shared the stage at a festival sponsored by Stephen Mcheka of Tiwawonerere Performing Arts assisted by Charles Kachitsa in Lilongwe with two hot talents from Mulanje with a lot of promise. They had their own fiery brand of drama and comedy. One was Bon Kalindo aka Winiko. The rest for this talent from Mulanje is as they say now history! We later moved to Ndixville near Chinseu Tavern where we horned manqina cooking skills! Our father would also take me and Dingi out for his hunting escapades. The hunting ground was after Lirangwe. There were many deers and antelopes there. He killed lots using his loud Greener Shot Gun (ya machaka). Every time he fired we would remain deaf for a few hours later. That Greener is a sure shot but it has a booming sound; that I can testify! The hunt was always in the wee hours of the night! In short, we grew up streetwise. We grew up without fear. My father's favourite part of the meat was the umlenze (the legs). Nothing can match the taste of dried game which has been left out to naturally aerate. Not much meat in a deer; but tasty nonetheless. There is another story of how my father once hit a warthog on the road. Brought it home and skinned it overnight! Didn't care much about the damaged radiator of the 404. Now if there is meat that a Ngoni will not abandon then warthog is that meat! One of my cousins decided he would not go to work as doing so would make him miss the feast. He was fired from work. He didn't regret it it! Angoni sadzatheka! We learnt to kill and skin a goat while we were still youngsters, Dingi and I. We learnt how to cook lubende (spleen and bits and pieces) and inhloko (head)
I pursued my drama interests at Chichiri Secondary and for 2 years we just missed the top national prize by a whisker. One was under my direction; penned by the legendary Chipiliro Matiya. Swanzie (Munthali) Mawerenga gave a performance of a lifetime in the play with Barnet Matiya! Remember it as if it was yesterday. Dingi went to HHI Secondary where he told me that for the first time he felt he was challenged by someone; not in the physical sense (paja yamanja sinali nkhani) but "dramatically". That person was a young budding poet called Gospel Kazako. If Dingi became a good playwright, it was in part because he wanted to compete with the more fluent Gospel who even at that age was a master of the stage and prose. At that time Gospel was writing short stories already worth publication. Now we all know the media mogul that Gospel is. It was evident we were witnessing then unveiling of greatness. A bespoke gentleman. But conquer his fears, Dingi did, and his play "United We Stand" starring him as Dada Mkhulu is one of the most memorable players I have ever watched. The lines were just beautiful to read. Poetic. Picturesque. When he asked me to view it in production; I cried. I saw before my eyes the most authentic character of an old man on stage I have ever seen. His play did not win, coming second, to much boos from the packed crowd in Lilongwe. But there was no denying who the master actor of the ATEM Festival Festival. Although he was not the lead protagonist; he won the best actor award. He was masterclass. The legend of Dada Mkhulu was born. The signature anthem for the play was "Together As One" by Lucky Dube. And Dada Mkhulu would dance that song! Haibo!
Now you know where "mkhulunews" can start to be traced from. But not so fast. It gets more complicated. Our home Village is Mkhulu right there in Madise in Mzimba. There; you have it. mkhulunews. We are part of the Mlumuzana (GVH) Mkakabanthu Madise. The correct Zulu name is Mnumzana (meaning head of family). So as a people we are Malawians first, then Ngonis (both our parents were Ngoni). That is why we have names that read like sentences! But there are meanings behind those names! So Mkhulu is the seat of Mnumzana GVH Mkakabanthu. But if I get stopped by the Traffic Police Officer and get asked my tribe; I stubbornly reply Malawian. Apo pokha sindigonja.
We both pursued our drama interest in College albeit in different cohorts and were active members of the Chancellor College Travelling Theatre. We later formed United Artists and our task was to go and entertain students in Secondary and Tertiary Education institutions! We once undertook a self-funded national wide tour, from Mulanje all the way to Rumphi - where we were amazed to see Gotani wa Gotani (Gots) International. We just wanted to have fun! And we had fun. Nsema Lloyd, Clifton Kandoje, Salad Nthenda, Chawezi C Longwe and Deidre were part of this group. So were the cameo appearances of Mwizay Madise (cibongo Kanyolokela) Doskani Madise (cibongo Mahlekehleke) and Zindaba Wa Chisiza. We even had the legendary Tony Bismarck, the coolest bad character on stage. We performed many plays at the French Culture Centre. We considered it our home ground theatre.
Dingi has always been an entrepreneur. I recall a time when the College that God Loved Most was closed (yes after 1991, Chanco would never be the same), Dingi would come home to Chitawira and ask for orders to procure goods in Salisbury (Harare). At that time I had undertaken to sponsor his education. He however would ask for all his allowance upfront because he said wanted to invest in his business. I was naturally risk averse but Dingi is the consummate negotiator. Calm, collected and logical. Somehow he always managed to fleece me of my money despite my efforts! He told me that when they arrived in Salisbury they slept at Carlton Hotel. One day, out of curiosity if nothing else as to what my kid brother was up to, I decided to accompany him, and also I must admit after being impressed by the various wares he was bringing from Salisbury (He always brought the classiest of things and obviously ensured he kept some for his wardrobe. Osadzimana iyayi!) But with hindsight, I should should have asked clearly. It was Katoni Hotel as in makatoni. Not the famous Carlton Hotel! It was in fact no Hotel, just an open space where the Munorurama Bus dispatched us. When we arrived, I notice that folded carton boxes were being given to customers and each was getting a space to lie down. Seeing the confusion and obvious lack of comprehension on my face, Dingi got two sets for us; put them down and calmly said to me "Welcome to Katoni Hotel". And that is how I was introduced to what we fondly called the "The Carton Hotel" which I visited on several occasions on my own! So in his College days all Dingi would ask for was some money to invest in his business and would promise not to ask for any more picket money - until there was a Sports Festival at Poly! But life is a real karma! While I supported Dingi with pocket money for his College days, when I went back to Kuimba 2 it was Dingi who now supported me with pocket money! He always lied it was a loan he was offering to me but every time I tried to repay him he found another excuse! Our mother NyaChibambo (Hwesa) should be proud of him! Selfless man. Benevolent man. Good man, if I must say so as his own sibling. And if truth be told, it was Dingi who introduced me to the Harare line of goods and a spirit of entrepreneurship (which I am yet to master)! Humility is learning from your juniors. I learnt from the best.And our slogan when we were growing up was from the poem by Dennis Brutus "Somehow We Survive." So whenever we were faced with a mountain; we would recite the poem in a frenzy and somehow we survived!
When I went for my "Second Recording"; I recall being asked "Kodi tchifu uja ankayenda ndi ndodo, akusuta paipi kukamwa, ndi nkulu wanu? Nayenso ankapanga za , ngati zanuzi"? 
Ine "utiyo?". 
"Wina wake wadzina lofana-fana ngati lanu? Anzake ankamuti CJ?. Amayenda ndi mdidi. Koma inu muzitha? Chifukwa ku law kuli sukulutu"
There and then Mr Mbewe (Mr Chanco) would jump in as if on cue and chide the inquirer: "kodi awa simukuwadziwa? Amene uja ndi mwana wa mng'ono. Mwini dzina ndi amenewa. Uja anabwela kumbuyo. Awa anapanga kale sukulu yoyamba pano. Padali pawo pano!. Muzitifunsa ambiri yakalefe"
And he would look at me with his usual twinkle! "Monga amfumu ndikunama?"
And then he would add ""Eeeeh koma nayetu ndi katundu mng'ono wanu uja. Adasiya mbiri yache pano."
Then he would all of a sudden become serious
"Koma don't worry are a big man you will manage. You already did your first degree, it will be a stroll in the park; just ngati kungobwerenza" 
Ha ha ha ha ha
Mr Mbewe! What a man
Akati akupope ukhonza kukweradi mu mtengo! 
But he has an incredible memory. 
He remembers almost everyone who has ever stepped through Chanco; and where their file is!
So when I finally write my life story, Dingi will have at least 4 chapters
- Dingi the boyhood friend and ally
- Dingi the theatre maestro
- Dingi the Jurist
- Dingi the Entrepreneur 
I am thinking one volume will not be enough for my story. When I look back; I can surely pen at least 2-3 life stories! What a life! No regrets!
A few months ago, Dingi had to be admitted to hospital with blood pressure. He is now recuperating. So I am not sure if his doctors will allow him to engage in this challenge. If you can, then do as many push-ups as you can manage. But for you, I will do two sets today, one for me and one for you, as always! And for each set I have done 2 sets also; just to make sure I have you covered bro!

Somehow we survive! 


Tuesday, 25 October 2016


I started the 22-day challenge, complements of Rex Harawa PhD. the ultimate bespoke-gentleman.
Today's penultimate nomination continues in the tradition of bespoke gentlemen. I have the honour and privilege of nominating Chikosa Silungwe PhD. aka Mtanga. Now Mtanga is my elder brother albeit younger. Confusing? Yes it is. But leave it at that. Mtanga is the first man I know to put on a designer suit and look great in dreads! And Mtanga knows the rules of a suit (malamulo ndi mwambo wa suti). Basic rules like removed the external label when you buy the suit. It is for marketing purposes only! And yes he will always insist that you must match the colour of your shoes and the belt and unless you are The Temptations, avoid the Mandingo colours! He also always points to the effect of not always matching the jacket colour to the tie to the pocket jacket square. His choice of shoes speaks of the man's class. Although Mtanga has more history with my brother; we have enough to share. I remember one glorious day in Cape Town when Dr Carlos Varela hosted us. The P-Square song "E No Easy" played on repeat! That was the day I witnessed with my own eyes the great man and surgeon that Dr Varela is. He was called out to operate in a woman who had been shot 11 times. He dropped us on Long Street and came back to collect us, exhausted but with the good news that he had saved her life. Great man, great taste of clothes and yes, great taste of cars! I notice although we are on different aisles; we both revere the German Engineering. Bespoke gentleman.
Mtanga has extremely high taste in music. He listens to some of the artists I consider iconic. His love and knowledge of jazz is legendary. I have a secret belief that he still has boxes of Jimi Hendrix, Earl Klugh, Dire Straits and Def Leopard 33 LP vinyls somewhere in his basement. And Mtanga is a regular patron of the Cape Town Annual Jazz Festival. Great fellow. Great company.
Mtanga has a real and attained doctor of philosophy. He actually spent real years researching at the Law School of the University of Warwick. That means he is widely read. He has not only read books and articles but has written books and articles. He also serves as the Editor of the Malawi Law Journal. The demands on his writing and editing skills are incessant. His writing style is unique only to him. His writing is not restricted to academic or scholarly issues but includes social issues. His quips are heaven. And he can pen a punch of a poem to boot. But caution, don't pick Mtanga's writing and think you are reading a column. He will lose you with the opening line! Inevitably, Mtanga has had a profound influence on my academic progress. It was Mtanga who suggested that I consider applying to do my research degree at the University of Warwick because of its critical approach to the study of law. He said "once you get to Warwick you will understand". It was Mtanga who gave me a heads up about possible research supervisors. It was Mtanga who advised on which areas were ideal to stay for a mature student. It was Mtanga who gave me a heads up of the Coventry night life. And when I arrived, I realised that this eminent Malawian scholar had left an indelible mark on his alma mater. As a researcher I cannot have asked for a better beacon. I am not ashamed to say I also share with Mtanga views that maybe seen to be on the left side of the 'political' ideological spectrum. We belong to the Socialist Legal Tradition of the convoluted Marxist-Leninist-Weber-Fanon-Foucault-Hobbes ideology. Of course Aristotle, Plato and Machiavelli are always central to most thought patterns. And I have had the opportunity of being taught by 3 eminent professors at the College that God Loved Most who have the same approach to law, legal thinking and philosophy like Mtanga; Professors Edge Kanyongolo, Garton Kamchedzera and Mwiza Jo Nkhata. Great legal luminaries. The title "comrade" is usually used exclusively among two of them plus Mtanga. El Che is proudly revered. It will be a privilege to join this league of extraordinary gentlemen when my time of initiation comes.
The rules are simple:
Once you are nominated, your 22 days start.
Every day you must record yourself doing 22 pushups. Try your best to reach 22. If it means doing assisted push ups on your knees,or stop to take a break, that's cool, but make sure to get them all done, all 22 push ups in one video. But in your case Mtanga, you don't have have to feel obliged to post a video, I have faith in you comrade.

From your Day 1, every day after you do your work-out, you must still nominate a different person. Try to choose people you think need this.

Monday, 24 October 2016


I started the 22-day challenge, complements of Rex Harawa PhD, the ultimate bespoke-gentleman. He wears a floral bow-tie to work and kills it! #Respect to the good doctor. A self made man. Hard working man. Always generous with his counsel.
Today's nomination continues in the tradition of bespoke gentlemen. I will nominate one but will mention a few others, who, should they wish, may take the challenge without any obligations.
Today I have the honour of nominating CM Tukula aka Man Tuksky. Now Man Tusky is my senior at the bar (there is drinking involved there too but not in this regard) and yet I had the privilege of being his mfundisi. I noted he was always one that kept his own counsel, but never hesitated to ask for clarification. I also noted that he was always highly organised and disciplined. Through the years he has maintained high standards of being always well groomed; well polished, and well kitted for the occasion. When the photogenic Man Tuksy adorns a suit, he does not look good in the suit; he makes the suit look good on him. He has a way of mixing colours and fabrics to spectacular effect. So if you are ever stuck or caught up in a fashion police quagmire, the man you must go to is Man Tuksy. Peruse his wall; absorb his tips and you are set to become the perfect gentleman. As they say, to be the best, you need to learn from the best. There is no shame in learning, only elation at the end of the day. And you will quickly realise that looking smart does not always entail expensive clothes; but it is the way you mix cotton and wool.
Of course, here we need to pause and give respect to four others; two who are my peers and the other two my elder brothers; but all highly respected bespoke gentlemen that quickly come to mind. One is AAM. Jelasi down munthu amavala mwaluso ndipo mwa smart - ung'ono ung'ono genuine. Zoyamwila, is all I can say! Always poised in his characteristic high collared shirts which hug his neck perfectly. The other is my man SKC. Amakhala ngati kuti suti amusokera pa thupi! (BTW that's the definition of a bespoke). I think enough said about the VP, his class has always been self-evident for all to see; even before he occupied Plot No.2. Then we have Sir Jimmy Koreia-mpatsa. The cool, calm and collected benevolent entrepreneur who has built a business empire at his own pace and with such humility! Always dressed right for every occasion too; even at the Stadium while watching soccer. A man of class. 
Last but not least we have the dapper and debonair; Chris-Tofa Kapangaaka Tofa. Growing up at Paul's Anglican Church in Kabula, we all looked up to this successful man. Seeing the heights he has attained is mind-boggling. And like the good doctor he likes his bow-ties too! And boy does he not look dashing in them? And his face always seems to defy the sands of time. His masterly and understanding of the insurance business is legendary! Ghana is blessed to have him!
Now luckily for moi; am I mere mfundisi. I can still go to my lecture room in my work clothes; typically my holed skin-hugging jeans, my Che Guevara T-Shirt or my rainbow coloured a Bermuda long shots complete with my basketball sneakers. I may also decide to keep my Afro unkempt for company, and my goatee as a stress reliever. But I still make sure I keep track of my wardrobe! And yes, once in a while, when it's time to put on the Tux or walk the red carpet, and trim the beard, I have friends like these to learn from. #Respect. True bespoke gentlemen. Keep the fire burning.
The rules are simple:
Once you are nominated, your 22 days start.
Every day you must record yourself doing 22 pushups. Try your best to reach 22. If it means doing assisted push ups on your knees,or stop to take a break, that's cool, but make sure to get them all done, all 22 push ups in one video.

From your Day 1, every day after you do your work-out, you must still nominate a different person. Try to choose people you think need this. In case you have already embarked on this or a similar challenge, spread the love, pass the challenge on.

Sunday, 23 October 2016


I did my daily dose of press ups but it seems I did them way too early and the body was still aching for more so here is another take before going to Church!
So for Part B: I will nominate ladies who I don't expect to do press ups. If you can, well and good. But just get into an exercise routine and keep the faith:
Khungekile Matiya
Thandiwe Thipa
Linda Katola Madise
Abigail Chalira
Ruth Kanyuka
Chiccondi Chatata
Grace A Chatata
Esnat Kamudoni
Mbumba Banda
Nellie Joseph
Akondachawo Namilazi Supuni
Akossa Mphepo
Ticia Sundu
Dot V Kachitsa
Dora Mangulama
Dorica Mwiza Nkhata
Neza Chatuwa
Ngeyiruth Kanyongolo
Bernadette Malunga
Theresa Chome
Hilda Soko
Hilda Kabambe
Nyaramor Kwiocwiny Hilda Topacho
Cezanne Britain-Renecke
Riekie Wandrag
Maryanne Macheru
Catherine Makhumula
Roselynn Mapundula
Stella Rose Mapemba
Stephanie Matenje
Noriety Liffa Chihana
Mavis Marango Brown Shaba
Sophie B Alal
Emma Broster
Lea Mwambene
Namilanzi Mirriam Mimie Mzanda
Daphne Madinga Kasambala
Silaba Anabiyeni
Cleave Silavwe
Jacqueline Fish
Beatrice Mwangwela
Martha Chizuma
Zione Ntaba
Beatrice Matanje
Beatrice Nkosi Fisher
BeautyClaire Claire Movete
Grace Malera
Manyika Grace
Martha Kaukonde
Tione Chilambe
(live nominations, list yet to be concluded...)
Your rules are simple. There are no rules! You may nominate others if you wish, you may also record yourself but no obligation. Just keep the faith.


I started the 22-day challenge, complements of Rex Harawa PhD, the bespoke gentleman.
Today I nominate Azikiwe Mussa-Mbewe Snr aka Ziggy. Ziggy and I go way back. We bough out our first jalopies during similar times; he had his green Nissan double cabin which gave us many joyful rides especially along the dirty and bumpy Midima road. We also stayed next door in Chitawira. I met Ziggy when I joined a ESCOM as a graduate trainee engineer. It was in fact Ziggy who introduced me to football administration. Hitherto, I was preoccupied with union politics. Ziggy was our right hand man in the union at ESCOM House. So one day Ziggy came another woman, who for now must remain anonymous, and requested if I could run for the chairmanship of ESCOM Football Club which had just been promoted to the Premier League. Now tribute must be paid here to one Charles Twalibu. He was the man who managed the team when it was in Lilongwe before its promotion and its adoption by the parent company. Twalibu had built a core team with the likes of Rhodric Sambani, Steve Gwetsa, Aubrey Nankhuni, Elia Kananji among others. But to do well in the top league needed more. Management decided to move the team to the headquarters and try to include players from other ESCOM clubs in the districts. Despite my youth, Ziggy thought I could contribute in this massive undertaking at the helm. Typical of a hot-headed young lad in his mid twenties; I dived in full throttle. Being young and naive I combined being a Union President with a Football Chairman. My social life was devastated. But it comes with the territory. Luckily for me Charles Twalibu agreed to serve as my vice and helped me in giving me the basic structure of what football administration entailed and introducing me to the "Who is Who" of Malawi football. Ziggy was my Team Manger. His vice was Oscar Chiotha. The dream Team was complete. We went to all ESCOM local teams and recruited their top players. We then put up an ambitious 5-year business plan to turn the team into a professional outfit and a powerhouse worth its name. Within the first 2 years, the results started coming in. It was Ziggy who suggested that the name be later changed to Super ESCOM. At that time we were sweeping every silverware with class and ease. Ziggy said we were just Super. Later on Fanuel Nkhono joined us after Charles Twalibu had excused himself. His addition proved a blessing to us! He had just returned from him studies in the UK and had many ideas on how to professionalise the club. I was happy to later hand over the chairmanship to Fanuel when I decided to take a break from football administration. A great visionary, Fanuel is. But apart from this; there are two further things that I remember Ziggy for. First was his ability to spot and sniff talent. It was Ziggy who told me that he had heard of rumours than an exciting young player Peter Mponda, then of the famous Banyamulenge had been left out on promotion to the senior side; Bata Bullets. Ziggy asked me to come and watch this exciting talent. I did and we signed him forthwith and he immediately became our defence pillar showing rare qualities of leadership and a football brain for such a young player. We agreed to build a team around him. One afternoon, Ziggy told me he had heard of stories of an exciting left foot back at Chiradzulu Secondary School. We drove there and signed the same afternoon, Emmanuel Chipatala to ESCOM FC.Then Ziggy told me of a striker in Nchalo. Nchalo had been relegated from the then Premier League but he said it had some good players worth seeing. We drove down the winding road to the hot bed of Illovo to watch their local game. We found our player, but he could not come unless we got his brother too. His brother was a midfielder. We already had a packed midfield, but we decided to gamble. That is how we got 
Aggrey and Chimwemwe Kanyenda. And the gamble paid dividends too! Both players proved their worth. Now how did Aggrey get the nickname Prado? That was Oscar Chiotha. When Nchalo FC demanded a rather high amount for the 2 players (especially Aggrey); his reaction quoted in the local press was "Ndi Prado, chani?" Indeed at that time, the price bring demanded was equivalent to a Toyota Prado TX at the dealers. We had the players but we still had a coach-player situation. Not ideal. We went for the jugular. We engaged the legend himself; Yasin Osman as Coach and Dean Pinto as Technical Director. I can say those were the times when we did implement transformational football management. Our players were well looked after. Well paid. All of a sudden we had transfer request from other top players from other clubs. But our philosophy was to have organic growth. And we were the team which the national coach looked to for his selection. We provided a platform for players to shine and express themselves. Most players eventually went on to other teams; but the lack of pressure and the freedom that they enjoyed at ESCOM FC is most likely unparalleled. Interesting both Ziggy and I are no longer part of the ESCOM family but the memory of what we shared goes deep. Of course ESCOM FC is now disbanded and usually when ESCOM is mentioned these days; it is not in the positive sense. But history cannot be changed. And here we are talking about ESCOM FC, to be precise. And how did I end up being a Chairman of then Bata Bullets FC (later Bullets FC), it was Ziggy again with the same unnamed lady and her unnamed brother; people I respect and have known for a long time. There I had the chance to reunite with my Captain Fantastic Peter Mponda (who I had allowed to leave so he could soar to greater heights) and the left footer who could play as a winger or left back but whose free kick was a hammer blow that almost always resulted in a goal; Emmanuel Chipatala. There were other greats I found and left at Bullets, but that chapter is for another day. Ziggy, thank you for shining the light in my life. Thank you for your belief and unwavering support. You are a man I respect.
The rules are simple:
Once you are nominated, your 22 days start.
Every day you must record yourself doing 22 pushups. Try your best to reach 22. If it means doing assisted push ups on your knees,or stop to take a break, that's cool, but make sure to get them all done, all 22 push ups in one video.

From your Day 1, every day after you do your work-out, you must still nominate a different person. Try to choose people you think need this. In case you have already embarked on this or a similar challenge, spread the love, pass the challenge on.

Saturday, 22 October 2016


I started the 22-day challenge, complements of Rex Harawa PhD, the bespoke gentleman.
Today I nominate Don Dada. Now there is only one Don Dada on Social Media that we know of. Just as there is only one Mfundisi. If you don't know his real name then you are in trouble! The Don Aka Athira is a man of many talents, and many faces too but he is not a Janus. He is definitely not 2-faced. Before we had UlayaClassics, The Don was the one who championed muscle building and exercising pictures of himself on Facebook. And UlayaClassics has taken it to the next level. This European is a true genius! And The Don has always been a pace setter. I recall seeing him and his expectant wife in a Hollywood pose; complete with The Don kissing the belly. Now I see this replicated in all manner of style! The Don set the way! That's what's Kings do; show the way. And if you ever fee like a good Bible verse written in Chichewa chomveka bwino; then I would suggest the Don's Wall. The Don has always impressed me with his down to life style. And I note he is still an active footballer despite his age. #Respect Rasta!
The rules are simple:
Once you are nominated, your 22 days start.
Every day you must record yourself doing 22 pushups. Try your best to reach 22. If it means doing assisted push ups on your knees,or stop to take a break, that's cool, but make sure to get them all done, all 22 push ups in one video.
From your Day 1, every day after you do your work-out, you must still nominate a different person. Try to choose people you think need this.
In your case Don, I suspect you have been working harder already and this is a starter for you. But spread the love. Pass the challenge on. You are The Don.

Friday, 21 October 2016


I started the 22-day challenge, complements of Rex Harawa PhD, the bespoke gentleman.
Today I nominate my elder brother Elias Maziya aka Elias Snr Maziya aka EZ. When I joined ESCOM, a time when each blackout had to be succeeded with a fully drawn enquiry, EZ was one of the few older hands who welcomed me. He also stood up with me when we formed a workers union. EZ stood up with me in think and thin. His home in Chileka became my second home. His people became my people. EZ is a person I am privileged to call a brother. Much older than me, but he always addressed me as Mr President. I look forward when I return to barbecuing a full goat at Chileka in honour of EZ. I recall times when we would just grill chickens nkukhwasula basi. And when we went to Lingadzi, Nyama Yozonga was always his favourite! We always told each other; ngodya za angoni! EZ you are a man in a million! A true friend, a true brother. A good man
The rules are simple:
Once you are nominated, your 22 days start.
Every day you must record yourself doing 22 pushups. Try your best to reach 22. If it means doing assisted push ups on your knees,or stop to take a break, that's cool, but make sure to get them all done, all 22 push ups in one video.
From your Day 1, every day after you do your work-out, you must still nominate a different person. Try to choose people you think need this

Thursday, 20 October 2016


I started the 22-day challenge, complements of Rex Harawa PhD, the bespoke gentleman.
Today I nominate my brother Luther Mambala. Luther Has been a brother and an inspiration. Growing up I was always blessed to hear his analytical arguments during Sabbath School. He also sang like an angel. And when he preached, the whole church at Chimwembe was glued to him. Luther has a natural gift of conveying a message. He is the consummate conversationalist. I recall he was one of the youngest Deacons ever elected and their mission was to get the youth involved in church business. He was one of the young people we always looked up to. When he talked you paid attention. As a young and daring unionist, when I went to organise employees at Railways in the midst of an industrial strike, Luther was in the forefront. He fully embraced the Union ideals and I was happy when Luther succeeded me as the elected President of the Malawi Congress of Trade Union. Luther is an energetic and ambitious person. He is a go getter and an efficient and analytical organiser. But typical of him, sapsyatila. He calls it as he sees it!
The rules are simple:
Once you are nominated, your 22 days start.
Every day you must record yourself doing 22 pushups. Try your best to reach 22. If it means doing assisted push ups on your knees,or stop to take a break, that's cool, but make sure to get them all done, all 22 push ups in one video.
From your Day 1, every day after you do your work-out, you must still nominate a different person. Try to choose people you think need this.